
Wednesday, April 19, 2006

It' wednesday or a piglett would say happy windsday!!!

I was thinking of Bob last night as I went to the library for some books to read. I had a whole list of them that I wanted to get of corse all the books that I wanted were already checked out and at my local library being back woods of Maine they don't know who checked out the books and when they are being returned. but I did manage to get some books that will tied me over for a while. I was thinking that summer is slowly coming to us. Maybe I'll go swimming when it''s 90 out not 53, can you blame me for not wanting to go swimming. diesel went swiming the other night in Porter lake. He was happy but I didn't let him do it for that long I didn't want my baby to catch anominia. Well I need go get to work. Have a great day everyone !!!1 ;-)

Monday, April 10, 2006


I'm glad to hear that my brother and sarah are home safely. I bet that Carina is happy to see you guys!!!!!!

Love ya,


At least it's going to be in the 60's today and the sun is shinning. At least in the insurance world every day brings a new and exciting challange. I"m glad that I'm not a Detroit dispacher this morning. Or the officer that has to investigate the city of detroit dispachers. The moral of the story is even if you think a child is joking about calling 911 on his mother still check. Other big news in the world. I'm in the wrong buisness Katie Coric is going to be makeing 2.5 billion $$$ A year being a nightly news ancor on CBS. I have never even seen 2.5 billion $.

Maybe I should get a job working for CBS. Well I need to get back to my job. so that I can help pay for everyone else who doesn't work that should.

Saturday, April 08, 2006


oh yeah what is this new critters name?? don't let dad name him or his name will be #7 or is that #8 now???


cold and cloudy. what else is new. Maybe it will really be warm and sunny soon. I think that someone forgot to tell the weather man to go ourside and look at the weather. oh yeah mom you are nuts.!!!!! ha hahah I have to say that I"m your kid!!!!!! But we all know that you are crazy!!!! Yes and I"m glad that Diesel isn't a kommador. plus they aren't that cute and Diesel is adorable.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Hey it's friday,

Sorry every one I can't write a book like my brother did. My life isn't that exciting.

The weather here is 35 and cloudy. I think that it is going to rain. Today is the day in the week that we all look foward to. the day you know that you've made it through another week. It is also the day you realize that your taxes are do in about a week. Good old uncle sam. !!!!

Not much going on working and working, taking care of my precious Diesel. who at this time of the year looks like a giant mud dog. I think that mom can relate.

I hope all is well. It was good to hear that bob and Sarah are doing good.

I have to get back to work

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

It's Tuesday April 4th 2006

IT'S SNOWING AHHH!!!! This is when we ask ourselves why we live in Maine. I haven't written in a few days. I've been really busy Last night I talked to mom on the phone and she said Mel you Didn't Blog today( guilt Trip)!!! So today I'm makeing sure that I do!!! A robin just flew into the window. Isn't that strange it's snowing and the Robins are out.. Maine the crazy weather place to live. I think that because of the strange winter people forgot what snow is because they are canceling everything and driving like idiots. !!!!!!

Well I need to get back to work. Have a wonderful day. all