
Thursday, March 30, 2006

I sit here looking out the window. I see a beautiful sky, sunshine and rt2 with big 18 wheelers going by. oh joy. Well here is my first Blog. My wonderful brother got me into it, so he better not call me a copy cat like he did our mom. Well another day is ahead. I best get working. unfortunally I don't get paid to sit here and write all day.


Blogger mommmydeb said...

Congratulations on joining the party! It was a glorious spring day. The girls and I (along with Sunshine and Yoshi) went for a walk before we left for piano lessons. What a gorgeous walk it was. I will feel better if I see a robin though, then I'll know it's really here!

Maddy enjoyed her spring day guarding a house that isn't hers and barking ferociously everytime a person or dog went by. She doesn't even do that at home.
She also wallowed in the mud yesterday like a pig. She's so smart!

3:19 PM  

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